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portada History's Greatest Artists: The Life and Legacy of Rembrandt (en Inglés)
Libro Físico
N° páginas
Tapa Blanda
27.9 x 21.6 x 0.6 cm
0.26 kg.

History's Greatest Artists: The Life and Legacy of Rembrandt (en Inglés)

Charles River (Autor) · Createspace Independent Publishing Platform · Tapa Blanda

History's Greatest Artists: The Life and Legacy of Rembrandt (en Inglés) - Charles River

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Reseña del libro "History's Greatest Artists: The Life and Legacy of Rembrandt (en Inglés)"

*Includes pictures of dozens of Rembrandt's most famous works *Includes online resources and a bibliography for further reading *Includes a table of contents "A painting is finished when the artist says it is finished." - Rembrandt "Rembrandt painted 700 pictures. Of these, 3,000 are still in existence." - Wilhelm von Bode Of all the famous Dutch masters during the Late Renaissance and Early Baroque periods, none surpass Rembrandt van Rijn in either historical importance or artistic merit. His aesthetic has been much-imitated, a testament to the inspirational grip they exert on their viewer. Key aspects of his style are instantly recognizable to even the casual fine art enthusiast: his penchant for chiaroscuro lighting amidst dark backgrounds; the feverish intensity of his subjects, who are often shown seemingly in action rather than composed; and the recurring use of Biblical and historical subject matter, not to mention an even more prolific output of portraits commissioned (including works commissioned by the Court of the Hague). The more educated viewer might also be aware of Rembrandt's remarkably thick handling of paint, which often seems to protrude from the canvas rather than invite a recession into space (in the Renaissance tradition.) However one recognizes a Rembrandt, however, the strength of his talents is such that encounters with his work leave an indelible imprint. That said, Rembrandt's fame derives not only from the hundreds of paintings he completed (his output is believed to total as many as several hundred works); Rembrandt is also remembered for his profligate spending habits, which famously resulted in him filing for bankruptcy in 1656. If "baroque" connotes excess, it is most appropriate that Rembrandt stands as the most famous painter of the Baroque age, as he lived well beyond his means. His life and career stand in almost complete disharmony, with a vast discrepancy existing between the care and deliberateness with which he conducted his painting, juxtaposed against the careless financial decisions he made -decisions that left him altogether impoverished at the time of his death in 1669. Financial ruin was not the only pitfall to hinder Rembrandt, as he also suffered from childhood deaths to three of his children, as well as the premature death of his wife, Saskia, in 1642. In this respect, Rembrandt lays claim to being one of the great success stories of Dutch art, yet also a man who was often beset with tragedy, of his own making and otherwise. History's Greatest Artists: The Life and Legacy of Rembrandt looks at the personal background that led to him becoming an artist and the cultural climate in which he rose to fame. Rembrandt's formal technique and artistic legacy are also analyzed, including his working methods and artistic education. Along with pictures of important people, places, and events, you will learn about Rembrandt like never before, in no time at all.

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Todos los libros de nuestro catálogo son Originales.
El libro está escrito en Inglés.
La encuadernación de esta edición es Tapa Blanda.

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