Leadership Forum: Developing Your Own Leadership Compass (en Inglés)

Harris, Jeff · Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

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The age-old question in leadership circles is whether leadership is born or learned. From a biblical perspective, leadership is born, learned, and, most importantly, "called." Every believer is, on some level, responsible for leading. In LEADERSHIP FORUM, author Jeff Harris provides a process to help emerging leaders build a leadership lens and sharpen leadership skills. LEADERSHIP FORUM introduces an approach to help you to move from self-leadership to a role as a more effective leader of the teams you lead. This process, which includes a biblical center, has also been applied in Fortune 500 companies. During the nine lessons, you will learn the principles of: Foundational leadership-what you, as an individual, need to discover and determine to be personally effective; Self-leadership-what you must do to continue to grow as a leader throughout your life; Team leadership-how you can apply what you have learned and develop sound leadership at the group level; Multiplying leadership-how you can identify, develop, and deploy leaders in an organization. Employing a workbook format, LEADERSHIP FORUM facilitates discussion, application, and the practice of leadership development principles to help you dial in your own leadership lens at a personal level and fan all the way out to macro leadership across teams.

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